Better off together
We became Great Western Credit Union after a successful merger between Bristol Credit Union and Wyvern Savings & Loans Credit Union. We are now the largest credit union in the region, helping thousands of people across the South West access an attractive range of alternative, low-cost financial services.
Great Western Credit Union exists to create a new way of banking:
- That’s fairer
- More inclusive
- Makes our local economies and communities stronger
We’re 100% committed to improving your financial wellbeing whether it is providing affordable loans or giving you a safe place to save.
None of this could happen without you. You make it all possible, simply by coming together with other members to bank with us.

Set up to serve
our community
All profits benefit
our members
Together we stand
for better banking
We're stronger when we pull together
Like all credit unions, we're a ‘mutual’. This means all our customers are also members. When we join forces as members, our money can be used to make fair banking happen.
It’s banking created by the community, for the community. When you save or borrow with Great Western Credit Union, you help create a pool of money that allows us to offer affordable loans.
Any profit we make is reinvested into our services or shared between our members as dividends. Whether it’s loans, savings or dividends, the money stays with local people. In this way, banking with us helps make our neighbourhoods better off.
Our members may come from different backgrounds, but there’s one thing we all share: we all want to create a better future for ourselves and our families. Simply by being on the same ‘credit union team’, we’re helping each other improve our finances and achieve our life goals.

How we're run
We’re led by a board of directors. Their task is to make sure we’re doing everything we can to serve our members.
All our directors are highly skilled volunteers. Most have a background in finance and decades of experience working in the sector. They’re credit union members themselves, and they’re united by their passion for giving back to the community.